One thought on “* Campground Reports *”

  1. No, the fisherman didn’t offer me any fish.

    Oasis amidst cornfields? No. This part of the state isn’t about farming. I’m in the Chippewa National Forest. Typically, you won’t find farming within National Forests. Grazing, yes, I’ve seen that out west; farming, I haven’t seen that. That said, there are a lot of private resorts here. Driving down the main roads I’ve seen a lot of turnoffs onto dirt roads signed “Resorts”. Perhaps they were grandfathered-in, having existed before the area was made a National Forest. I’m guessing. I don’t know the history. Just a hair down the road from me is Cherney’s Resort. In speaking with the onwner, Butch Cherney, I learned he’s been there for 72 years and the place belonged to his father before it became his. According to the page at it seems 1908 was the year this area became National Forest.

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